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Computer Forensics. New threats, new opportunities ...

Technological development, the availability of devices using which electronic operations are carried out (and which we use in almost every aspect of our lives) means that many illegal acts are currently committed using new methods. In Poland, the highest number of such offenses is noticeable in the private and business spheres. Simple examples: copying a large database of your clients to an external information medium (eg a pendrive) by an unauthorized person takes only 20 minutes, and 1/30 of your employees carelessly transmit information that may constitute corporate secrets by electronic means.

Due to the illusory "anonymity" of the internet, it seems that it is much easier to commit a crime using new technology tools, but nothing is more wrong. Our online activity is not anonymous. The media are archived in digital form, for example, our payments made on the web, e-mail correspondence, browser history, photos, documents. Thanks to the tools used in the so-called Computer Forensics we can determine the date of creation, modification, last access to the file (even the deleted file), copying to another medium, or sending via e-mail..

What we do as part of Computer Forensics ?

Computer forensics is, generally speaking, a set of activities carried out using software and hardware solutions aimed at revealing, acquiring and analyzing materials from digital storage of data carriers. Our experts in the field of computer forensics search the memory of the media and sectors from which the data has been removed (or formatted), in terms of the presence of specific content. The material collected in this way constitutes the so-called electronic proof. These are all kinds of files disclosed on a digital medium, bearing the characteristics of a prohibited act or containing content constituting circumstances significant from the point of view of the proceedings being conducted. Any arrangements indicating the perpetration of a prohibited act by the perpetrator, for example all types of internet fraud, burglary to electronic banking, may also be considered as electronic proof.

Data that can be considered as electronic proof:

The history of telephone calls; Contact list; SMS messages; MMS messages; Mails; History of websites and web portals viewed; Photographs disclosed in the memories of carriers; Contents of databases and programs installed on the disk; Any recoverable content previously removed from the media; The history of correspondence carried out with the use of various types of instant messengers, e.g. viber, messenger, skype.

Electronic proofs may come from any electronic data carriers, in particular:

Computer hard drives; SSD disks; Old-generation mobile phones; Smartphones, tablets; Memory cards; Pendrive; Audio recorders; Recorders for monitoring and CCTV; Servers - RAID arrays; Memory installed in drone; Any new digital data carriers - the memory of car computers, smart devices memory used in Smarthouses. We cordially invite you to cooperation.